Advertise with Us
Every year, The Bay School publishes two class catalogs covering class schedules for June-December and January-May. These catalogs are available in the Art Speaks Gallery and mailed to approximately 3,000 individuals with a PDF version emailed to another 2,500. Recipients live primarily in the Mathews/Gloucester area and Middle Peninsula region; however, interested parties request our catalog throughout Virginia and the United States. Additionally, a downloadable PDF of the catalog is available on our website, and we distribute the publication at local and regional libraries and visitor centers.
We also publish a program to promote our Annual Arts Speaks Juried Exhibit each year. The program is a keepsake of the exhibit, illustrating and describing the diverse work of each year’s selected artists, all of whom are residents of Virginia. In addition to being available in the Art Speaks Gallery, other local galleries, and the Mathews Visitor Center, the program is mailed to approximately 650 individuals and galleries statewide in advance of the exhibition, and a downloadable PDF of the program is available on our website.
We invite you to consider advertising in one or all of the described publications to support the Bay School Community Arts Center and Art Speaks Gallery. You may choose to remain consistent in your ad sizing and placement or vary them as needed. Ad pricing for our printed publications is provided in the following table. Please note inside cover ads are limited and reserved on a first-come basis.

The Bay School Speaks email newsletter is another opportunity for you to promote your business to approximately 3,000 followers of The Bay School Community Arts Center and Art Speaks Gallery. While many of the recipients of The Bay School Speaks reside locally or in the state of Virginia, our followers are found throughout the United States and internationally since we are a popular stop for visitors to our area.
Published on Friday each week with some seasonal variation, you can choose to place consecutive ads to promote upcoming special sales or events or monthly to maintain awareness of your business. Pricing provided in the following table is based on the number of ads placed during the 2025 calendar year.

Reservations, Specifications, Design, and Payment
To determine space availability and reserve your ads or if you have any questions, please complete the ad reservation form and email it to Tamera Myer-Mams at Upon receipt, she will contact you and confirm your ad plan and price it for payment. Tamera also can be reached at 804.725.1278.
Ads should be emailed to as PDF or JPG files designed at the selected ad size and with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, in CMYK color mode. If you prefer, we can design your ad for an additional $35 charge.
Payment along with your ad reservation form can be mailed to The Bay School; ATTN: Grace Small; PO Box 1524; Mathews, VA 23109. You also may call in payment to 804.725.1278, or we can provide you a link to pay online.