OpenArts After School

Every week, our teaching artists welcome children within the community to our OpenArts After School Program. This high-energy after school program introduces students to a variety of techniques, media, and artists. It is open to any child who wishes to participate, whether they are home-schooled or attend public or private school.  We offer three elementary school classes, one middle school class, and a high school "Teen Scene" session each semester.

Our classes fill up quickly, and we are limited to 12 students each class. Please register in advance for the semester and provide us with emergency contacts and allergy information the first time your child visits. Register online or email to inquire.

Each month the students will view and discuss the current Art Speaks Gallery exhibition and choose an artwork to receive the Students' Choice Award ribbon. We frequently display student artwork in the gallery and in our street-front windows, alongside the professional exhibition.

This program is free thanks to generous grants from the Mathews Community Foundation, the Servetus Fund of the UFFR, Dominion Energy, and an endowment from the Owens Foundation.